Canvas object

Event Description
Canvas.onPaint() Event fired when canvas need to be redrawn
Canvas.onShow() Event fired when canvas is shown
Canvas.onHide() Event fired when canvas is hidden
Canvas.onCreate() Event fired when canvas has just been created
Property Description Access Type
Canvas.parent Get the Canvas's parent widget readonly Window | Groupbox | TabItem
Canvas.x Get/set the canvas's horizontal position readwrite number
Canvas.y Get/set the canvas's vertical position readwrite number
Canvas.width Get/set the canvas's width readwrite number
Canvas.height Get/set the canvas's height readwrite number
Canvas.align Align the canvas relative to its parent readwrite boolean
Canvas.enabled Enable/disable the canvas widget readwrite boolean
Canvas.visible Controls whether the canvas appears on screen readwrite boolean
Canvas.color Get/set the canvas actual color for drawing readwrite string
Canvas.bgcolor Get/set the canvas actual background color readwrite string
Canvas.sync Get/set the canvas synchronization mode readwrite boolean
Canvas.font Get/set the canvas current font readwrite string
Canvas.fontsize Get/set the canvas current font size readwrite boolean
Canvas.fontweight Get/set the canvas current font weigth readwrite number
Canvas.fontstretch Get/set the canvas current font stretch readwrite boolean
Canvas.fontstyle Get/set the canvas current font style readwrite boolean
Method Description Return value
Canvas.constructor() Canvas object constructor Canvas
Canvas.Image() Create a new Image Image
Canvas.LinearGradient() Create a new linear gradient brush LinearGradient
Canvas.RadialGradient() Create a new radial gradient brush RadialGradient Centers the canvas on the parent widget - Shows the canvas -
Canvas.hide() Hides the canvas -
Canvas.clear() Clears the canvas surface and prepare it for drawing -
Canvas.begin() Prepare the Canvas for drawing -
Canvas.flip() Display the drawing backbuffer -
Canvas.print() Draws text on the Canvas -
Canvas.measure() Measures the text size on the Canvas -
Canvas.point() Draws a point -
Canvas.line() Draws a line -
Canvas.rect() Draws a rectangle -
Canvas.roundrect() Draws a rounded rectangle - Draws a circle -
Canvas.ellipse() Draws an ellipse -
Canvas.fillrect() Draws a filled-in rectangle -
Canvas.fillroundrect() Draws a filled-in rounded rectangle -
Canvas.fillcircle() Draws a filled-in circle -
Canvas.fillellipse() Draws a fillled-in ellipse -
Canvas.rotate() Rotates the Canvas -
Canvas.scale() Scales the Canvas -
Canvas.skew() Skews the Canvas -
Canvas.translate() Translates the Canvas -