Panel object

Event Description
Panel.onShow() Event fired when the Panel is shown
Panel.onHide() Event fired when the Panel is hidden
Panel.onMove() Event fired when the Panel has changed its position
Panel.onResize() Event fired when the Panel is resized
Panel.onClick() Event fired when the user clicks on the Panel
Panel.onContext() Event fired when the user right click on the Panel
Panel.onHover() Event fired when the user moves the mouse pointer over the Panel
Panel.onCreate() Event fired when Panel has just been created
Panel.onMouseDown() Event fired when the user presses a mouse button over the Panel
Panel.onMouseUp() Event fired when the user releases a mouse button over the Panel
Panel.onLeave() Event fired when the mouse cursor leaves the Panel
Property Description Access Type
Panel.x Get/set the Panel's horizontal position readwrite number
Panel.y Get/set the Panel's vertical position readwrite number
Panel.width Get/set the Panel's width readwrite number
Panel.height Get/set the Panel's height readwrite number
Panel.border Get/set the Panel's border readwrite boolean
Panel.cursor Get/set the image of the mouse cursor as it hovers over the Panel readwrite string
Panel.align Align the Panel relative to its parent readwrite boolean
Panel.enabled Controls whether the Panel responds to mouse and other events readwrite boolean
Panel.visible Controls whether the Panel appears on screen readwrite boolean
Panel.parent Get the Panel's parent widget readonly Window | Groupbox
TabItem | Panel
Panel.font Get/set the Panel font readwrite string
Panel.fontstyle Get/set the Panel font style readwrite table
Panel.fontsize Get/set the Panel font size readwrite number
Panel.bgcolor Get/set the Panel background color readwrite number
Method Description Return value
Panel.constructor() Panel object constructor Panel Centers the Panel on the parent widget - Shows the Panel -
Panel.hide() Hides the Panel -
Panel.tofront() Brings the widget in front -
Panel.toback() Puts the widget to the back -