Webview:goback() method

Navigates to the previous web page.

Return value

This function returns no value.


local ui = require "ui" require "webview" -- create a simple Webview local win = ui.Window("Webview:goback() sample", 640, 480) local addressbar = ui.Entry(win, "", 24, 5, 592, 24) local prevBtn = ui.Button(win, "\xe2\x87\xa6", 0, 3, 16, 16) prevBtn.font="Lucida Console" prevBtn.fontsize = 12 prevBtn.fontstyle = { bold = true } local nextBtn = ui.Button(win, "\xe2\x87\xa8", 616, 3, 16, 16) nextBtn.font="Lucida Console" nextBtn.fontsize = 12 nextBtn.fontstyle = { bold = true } local Webview = ui.Webview(win, "", 0, 30, 640, 430) function prevBtn:onClick() if Webview.cangoback then Webview:goback() end end function nextBtn:onClick() if Webview.cangoforward then Webview:goforward() end end function addressbar:onSelect() Webview.url = addressbar.text end -- Set current window title with the page title, once loaded function Webview:onLoaded() win.title = Webview.title addressbar.text = Webview.url end win:show() -- update the user interface until the user closes the Webview repeat ui.update() until not win.visible