ui.savedialog([title] , [allow_mutiple_selection] , [filters])

Displays a dialog box for the user to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to save.



An optional string that indicates the title of the dialog box (use the default system title if not specified).


An optional boolean value that indicates if the dialog allow multiple files selection or not.


An optional string that indicates filters. A filter is used to display only files with a specified pattern. If omitted, the dialog shows all files.
A filter is composed of a and a field, each separated by the character "|". For example, the string "All files (*.*)|*.*|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt" defines 2 filters :

  • A filter named "All files (*.*)" that correspond to the search pattern "*.*"
  • A filter named "Text files (*.txt)" that correspond to the search pattern "*.txt"

Return value

This function returns the selected file(s) as File object(s) or nil if no files have been choosen.


local ui = require "ui" -- open a dialog to choose a file to be saved local file = ui.savedialog("Save current date to...") -- checks if a file has been selected if file ~= nil then -- open the file and write the current date & time to it file:open("write"):write(sys.Datetime()) end