Window:status([msg, ...]) method

Hide or show the window status bar to display one or more messages.



One ore more optional strings, which represents messages to be displayed in the status bar. Each message is displayed in a part of the status bar.
When called without arguments, the Window status bar is hidden.

Each argument is converted to a string if needed, following the same rules as the standard Lua tostring() function.

Return value

The method returns no value.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a window local win = ui.Window("Window:status() sample", 500, 200) -- create a label local label = ui.Label(win, "Status bar text :", 50, 60) local entry = ui.Entry(win, "Type any message to be displayed in the status bar", label.x + label.width + 10, label.y - 4) function entry:onChange() win:status(entry.text) end -- set the window status bar for the first time entry:onChange() win:show() while win.visible do ui.update() end