Window:onTrayHover( ) event

This event is fired when the mouse hovers the notification icon of the window, in the tray section of the taskbar

Return value

The event returns no value.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a simple Window that will stay hidden local win = ui.Window("Window.onTrayHover() sample", 320, 200) -- loads a notification tray icon win:loadtrayicon(sys.env.WINDIR.."/system32/shell32.dll", 44) local canexit = false local tooltips = { "The stars are brilliant this evening", "The sky is clear and stars bright.", "Moon and stars are bright overhead" } -- Display a random tooltip when mouse hovers the notification icon function win:onTrayHover() self.traytooltip = tooltips[math.floor(math.random(1, 3))] end -- Click on the notification icon to exit program function win:onTrayClick() canexit = true end -- update user interface repeat ui.update() until canexit