Window:onMouseUp(button, x, y) event

This event is fired when the user releases a mouse button while beeing over the Window.



A string indicating the button that has been released : "right", "middle" or "left".


The horizontal position of the mouse in the Window area (zero means the left border of the widget).


The vertical position of the mouse in the Window area (zero means the top border of the widget).

Return value

The event returns no value.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a window local win = ui.Window("Window:onMouseUp() sample", 400, 300) local label = ui.Label(win, "Move the mouse over the Window, then press and release a mouse button!") label:center() -- set a onMouseUp() event : display a status bar with the released mouse button and its position function win:onMouseUp(b, x, y) win:status("Mouse button : "..b, "Mouse position : "..x..", "..y) end