TreeItem.subitems read/write property

Provides access to the TreeItem subitems.

Reading this property returns a table that contains a list of TreeItem. This table can be indexed by item text. Using a wrong index or an invalid text will return a nil value.

Setting this property will change all the subitems in the TreeItem. It expects a table that contains a list of strings (each string will be a subitem in the TreeItem)

This property is iterable, with the each() or ipairs() function, returning TreeItem one by one at each iteration.


local ui = require "ui" local win = ui.Window("TreeItem.subitems sample", 320, 220) local tree = ui.Tree(win, {"Item1", "Item2", "Item3"}, 60, 40, 200, 160) local button = ui.Button(win, "Add subitems", 120, 10) function button:onClick() local item = tree.selected item.subitems = { item.text..".SubItem1", item.text..".SubItem2" } end win:show() repeat ui.update() button.enabled = tree.selected ~= nil until not win.visible