Tree:onChange(TreeItem | itemtext, action) event

This event is fired when an item have been removed or edited by the user after a call to TreeItem:edit().


TreeItem | itemtext

If an item have been removed, this argument represent the item text as a string
If an item have been edited, this argument represent the edited TreeItem.


A string that represent the change that occured :

Return value

The event returns no value.


local ui = require "ui" local win = ui.Window("Tree:onChange() sample", "fixed", 320, 240) local tree = ui.Tree(win, {"Item 1", "Item 2", ["Item 3"] = {"Subitem1", "Subitem2"}}, 110, 40) local edited = nil win:status("Doubleclick on an item to edit it") -- Tree onDoubleClick() event function tree:onDoubleClick(item) edited = tree.selected.text tree.selected:edit() end -- Tree onChangek() event function tree:onChange(item, action) if action == "edited" then win:status(edited.." has been renamed to "..item.text) end end -- show the Window win:show() while win.visible do ui.update() end