Edit.fgcolor read/write property

Get or set the current Edit text color, that apply to all text content.

  • The color is represented by a number, an RGB value (one byte per primary color).
  • A RGB color can be represented as an hexadecimal number : 0xRRGGBB , RR meaning a 8bit hexadecimal red value, and so on.


local ui = require "ui" -- create a fixed Window to hold the buttons local win = ui.Window("Edit.fgcolor sample", "fixed", 320, 240) local label = ui.Label(win, "Enter text : ") local edit = ui.Edit(win, "Hello LuaRT !", label.x + label.width + 8, label.y-4, 150) local button = ui.Button(win, "Text color", edit.x + edit.width + 8, edit.y) local function update_status() win:status(string.format("Edit.fgcolor : 0x%06X", edit.fgcolor)) end function button:onClick() edit.fgcolor = ui.fgcolordialog() update_status() end update_status() win:show() -- update user interface repeat ui.update() until not win.visible