net.resolve(hostname, [ protocol ])

Resolves the given hostname to an IP address from the DNS record.



The string to indicate the hostname to resolve, for example "".


An optional string to indicate the IP address family to retrieve from the DNS record :

  • "ipv4" : an IPv4 address will be returned (default)
  • "ipv6" : an IPv6 address will be returned

Return value

  • In case of success, returns the IP address associated with the DNS record, represented by a string.
  • If no DNS record was found, returns nil
  • In case of error, returns false (you can check error message with the net.error property).


local console = require "console" local net = require "net" console.write('Enter hostname : ') local ip = net.resolve(console.readln()) or "not found"; print('IP address associated with that hostname : '..ip)