Zip:write(entry, [path]) method

Writes a new entry in the Zip archive. The Zip archive should have been previously opened in "write" or "append" mode.



The new entry to be written in the Zip archive. An entry can be :

  • A string that represents a filename or directory whose contents will be archived.
  • A Buffer whose binary content will be archived at the specified path.
  • A File value whose content will be archived.
  • A Directory value whose content will be archived


An optional string representing the path and/or the name of the new entry in the Zip archive. If omitted, the new entry will be archived at the root of the Zip archive, using the name provided by the entry parameter.

Return value

Returns true if entry has been successfully added to the zip archive or false otherwise. You can check the Zip.error property to get the error message.


-- zip script local compression = require "compression" -- check if the file specified as argument exists local f = sys.File(arg[1] or error("no file specified")) if f.exists then --- create a zip archive file with the same name local archive = compression.Zip(, ".zip"), "write") --- add the file to the archive archive:write(f) else error(" not found") end