Zip:read(path) method

Reads an entry in memory at the given path/name in the Zip archive. The Zip archive should have been previously opened in "read" mode.



A string representing the path and/or the name of the entry in the Zip archive.

Return value

Returns a Buffer value with the entry content.
Returns false if any error occured. You can check the Zip.error property to get the error message.


-- read an entry in a zip archive and print its content local compression = require "compression" local console = require "console" local archive_name = console.readln("Enter name of the zip archive: ") local entry_name = console.readln("Enter an entry to print its content: ") console.writecolor("cyan", entry_name, "from", archive_name, ":\n") -- open the zip archive in "read" mode local z = compression.Zip(archive_name) -- read the entry content or throws an error if false local content = z:read(entry_name) or error(z.error) -- prints the content in hexadecimal console.write(content:encode("hex"))