Canvas.sync read/write property

Get or set the Canvas synchronisation mode. When set to true (the default), the Canvas is redrawn 30 times per second by calling its Canvas.onPaint() event.


local ui = require "ui" require "canvas" local win = ui.Window("Canvas.sync example", "fixed", 320, 240) win:show() local c = ui.Canvas(win) c.align = "all" c.pos = -100 c.font = "Impact" c.fontsize = 24 c.color = 0xA2D2FFFF c.sync = true -- Uses internal timer for 30fps drawing function c:onPaint() c:print("Hello World !", c.pos, 20) c.pos = c.pos + 3 if c.pos > win.width then c.pos = -100 end end repeat ui.update() until win.visible == false